BENEFITS: Regulates Blood Pressure, Balances Hormone Levels in Both Men & Women, Aids in Stress Management & Heart Health. Helps to lower down Blood Pressure. Help to Improve Blood Circulation & Detox Support.
Al-Riyan Blood Pressure Formula and ingredients have been carefully chosen are the Highest Quality. Our ingredients are Grown Naturally without the use of Pesticides, Synthetic Fertilizer or Genetically modified Organisms. We manufacture products that are Essentially, Integral and Vital for Quality Healthy Living.
*Regulate & Controls Blood Pressure
* Supports Healthy Blood Sugar Levels
* Supports Healthy Blood Pressure Levels
* Supports Healthy Cholesterol Levels *Promotes Cardiovascular Health
*Aids in stress Management & Heart Health *May Suppress Anxiety
*Helps to Remove Blockage thus Prevent Heart Disease.
DIETARY SUPPLEMENT Total blood & respiratory system detoxification
No artificial colors flavors or preservatives
Reach out to Love is Love Always (LILA) to inquire about our nourishing products, event-hosting services, and vegan catering options. Experience the power of love and wellness through our shakes, sea moss gels, body butter, and nectars. Embrace a healthier lifestyle with LILA today!